The barbarian encampments are gone from Civilization 7 as separate entities. However, the new entities called Independent Powers now function similarly to city-states + barbarian encampments + Barbarian Clans from Civ 6. Players can use Influence (diplomatic currency) to befriend and gain favor with these independent entities that with time can evolve into city-states. Although this friendship lasts for a limited time, it can be reinforced by spending additional influence, which can be used to establish the player as the suzerain or even turn the settlement into a vassal. Ultimately, players might even be able to absorb these independent city-states into their empire.
As of October 2024, we’ve only had a peek at the Antiquity Age, but it is not impossible for the diplomatic relations to change or grow in options with the Exploration and Modern Ages.

Hostile or Diplomatic: The Player’s Choice
Independent settlements, which start as hostile, friendly or neutral, give players the choice between military engagement or using Influence to establish diplomatic relations. As they evolve into city-states additional diplomatic actions become available.

- Hostile Independent Powers present an immediate military threat, requiring a defensive or offensive response. Presumably, this is where the threat similar to barbarians comes in.
- Befriending an independent power starts the process of several turns turning the entity into a vassal city-state and granting the player suzerainty once completed.
- Incite Raid, would encourage the power to initiate military attacks presumably against other powers, similar to the Barbarian Clans mode.
- Diplomatic actions for the evolved city-states:
- Levying Units: Players will be able to levy the units from city-states for a number of turns.
- Promoting Growth: Generate food for a city-state for a certain number of turns, presumably to claim more land and grow population.
- Bolstering Military: Gift a unit to a city-state, a long-awaited option that should make protecting city-states much easier.
- Incorporating into Empire: Annex the city-state, making it one of your own towns.
- Creating Alliances with city-states will provide effects unique to a civilization and/or leader.

Strategic Advantages of Suzerainty
Becoming the suzerain of an Independent Power comes with significant benefits. Suzerains can access unique bonuses and resources from these factions, as well as levy their armies during times of need. This allows for quick military expansion, providing a strategic edge in combat.
Additionally, city-states formed from Independent Powers offer geographically and culturally specific bonuses, enhancing various aspects of the game such as trade, production, or combat.
Different Types of Independent Powers
There are four different types of Independent Powers revealed so far, presumably each one would provide relevant bonuses once converted into a city-state, similar to Civ 6.
- Scientific
- Cultural
- Militaristic
- Economic

Conducting Diplomacy
Diplomatic engagement with Independent Powers plays a crucial role in Civilization VII. Players can spend diplomatic resources to improve relations, moving these powers from hostile to neutral and eventually transforming them into city-states. Once peaceful relations are established, players can work toward becoming the suzerain of these city-states, gaining valuable bonuses.

Tecumseh’s unique ability, Nicaakiyakoolaakwe, highlights the powerful synergy between his Shawnee civilization and Independent Powers. By leveraging diplomacy to become the suzerain of multiple city-states, Tecumseh’s empire gains significant bonuses in both food and production across its settlements, scaling with each passing age.
- Nicaakiyakoolaakwe: Increased Food and Production per Age in Settlements for every City-State you are Suzerain of. Increased Combat Strength for all your Units for every City-State you are Suzerain of.
This not only strengthens his economic base but also provides an increased combat strength for all his units, making Tecumseh a formidable leader in both war and peace. The Shawnee civilization’s agenda, Suzerain of the World, further emphasizes Tecumseh’s focus on Independent Powers by rewarding positive diplomatic relations with other players who avoid dispersing Independent settlements. Tecumseh’s playstyle encourages a balanced approach of strategic diplomacy, military preparedness, and resource optimization, as he seeks to unite and uplift Independent Powers for the benefit of his civilization.
Visual and Tactical Impact
Independent Powers also have a visual and tactical impact on the game. Each Independent Power has a unique cultural identity, which is reflected in their settlements, units, and interactions. This variety adds immersion, making the world feel more alive and diverse. Tactically, Independent Powers often control key areas of the map, such as valuable resources or strategic chokepoints. Players must decide whether to conquer or ally with these powers to gain control of important locations, adding another layer of complexity to the gameplay.

The Independent Powers system introduces a new layer of complexity to both exploration and diplomacy in Civilization VII. Whether opting for military conquest or forming strategic alliances, players must consider the risks and rewards carefully. This system enriches the overall gameplay experience, keeping it dynamic and engaging from start to finish.
Note: This information in this article is based on a game that has not yet been released and therefore includes speculation and opinion, sourced from Fraxis dev streams.